
Anna Natsvlishvili
Lead Architect / Founder

Shio DemetraShvili
Senior Planner / Urban Designer

Nino Kharshiladze
Planner / Urban Designer

Miranda Gulbani
Planner / Urban Designer
Multifunctional complex
Concept of master plan and development plan
Residential complex
development plan
office building
development plan
Multifunctional complex
Development regulation plan
Landscape design
Administrative building
The concept of development
Development framework plan
Hotel building
Development regulation plan
Office of Public Services
General land use plan
Public school architectural project
Hotel building
Development plan
Two-appartment residential house
Masterplan concept
Detailed development plan
Khada valley Development plan
The Government of Georgia is constructing a new highway between Kvesheti and Kobi, a challenging section of the North-South Corridor, […]
Spatial Plan of the city of České Budějovice
The team of the company “BAU Design” together with Ateliér Cihlář-Svoboda s.r.o. participated in the process of developing the Spatial […]
Dusheti City General Plan
The “BAU Design” team is developing the master plan for the city of Dusheti. On March 18, 2024, “BAU Design” […]